We assist pre-IPO firms in developing Brand Value early on.
Pre-IPO firms are special in that owners are usually focussed on the financial aspects of going public. Brand development and pre-IPO communication, while actually necessary to build value, often rank second. Mai Asia works with pre-IPO firms inside and outside Asia to ensure a successful IPO and life thereafter.
Brand Value workflows
We identify, early on, the most promising Brand Assets, protect them and put them to use. By doing so we implement a customized workflow that allows Brand Value to be nurtured systematically as the company grows.
Prevention of Brand Damage
Young or strongly growing companies often do not put sufficient emphasis on the risks their brands are exposed to. The list of missteps is long: violation of trademarks and copyrights, breach of contract, but also damages caused by third parties.
Building Brand Value systematically
Systematic Brand Value Management starts with the analysis of markets and competition in order to identitfy what later might become Brand Assets. But it goes much deeper: Mai Asia looks at risks posed by the community, cost of Brand Development as well as how best value-creating icons can be developed and measured.
Out of six main service areas, Brand Value Development pre or post IPO is of crucial importance to a firm as wrong treatment of parameters that build Brand Value can result in losses of credibility and financial opportunity cost.
Market analysis and segmentation
Target group definition
Marketing, finance and defense strategies
Competitive analysis and monitoring
Community risk assessment
Brand/ service portfolio development
Development of brand icons
Brand Value methodology implementation
Benefits of pre-IPO Branding
Developing and nurturing Brand Value from early on brings several important benefits to a company:
Higher brand perception
Higher brand preference
Greater price differential over non-branded
competitive products
Higher credibility towards investors and
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